Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Do Dogs Smack Their Mouth?

eyes on choosing a career

There is always that these systems on the Internet, the meaning of texts to scan first and then understand, are getting smarter. And there are so many places where it benefits from it as a consumer, ch ulli supply, as a user in the highest degree: For dating services, flea markets and job markets. So wherever you have to chop hours of his complete CV with all stations, likes and dislikes in all imaginable shades into the system. Then I'm almost in the nature only in coded 0 and 1 at its best and the Internet now makes me really only offers that I definitely can not refuse. And that really fit me. So short-haired blondes with high school, restored as a Saab 900 Convertible, rare outtakes and demos by Rickie Lee Jones on vinyl. What am I doing that is so time consuming is basically something like individual spam-tuning. For my own benefit. For now I just get more annoying advertising, which is also really suits me. But then if the following happens, I wonder why I have filled out questionnaires at all hours and my profile afterwards just so embarrassing and time-consuming maintenance. And why I went actually as long as the expensive school:

(Screenshot Xing-Home: Thomas Otten man)


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